2012年7月29日 星期日

Cooking, Food and Love

Cooking, Food and Love

Everybody have some cooking experience , right ?Coz in we should have cooking lessons lol, but have you ever cooking at home ?

For me , I love eating more than cooking, coz it is very hot when I am cooking in the kitchen ,so when I need to cook it for me, I will just eat cup noodles ,I know it is unhealthy ,but I hate stay in kitchen for a long time :P

Unpredictability ,I'm interested in making dessert , coz I think it is easy to make and dessert will bring me joy and I think my family and friends also, so I would make desserts to them too.

Although I didn't made the cake which was my first cooking experience by myself successfully , I wouldn't give up !Now ,I can make some dessert easily ,when I'm unhappy I can make it too^^

I love sharing things with my friends ,but in these year , I'm busy most of the time , so I haven't make dessert for a long time ,hope when I make it next time, I will success, haha!!!

7 則留言:

  1. I am looking forward to your successful dessert! Will you bring them to school and share with us?;)

  2. i think some girl like eat dessert so much ,ever if the girl does not feel hungry. Do i cook dessert with you ?

  3. i like eating more than cooking. not only because cooking in the kitchen is very hot, but is also so difficult to cook!!! i am waiting for ur dessert

  4. I love eating more than cooking too, sometimes I have cook at home.

  5. i hate cooking too! but i wont eat cup noodles as its really unhealthy:( so dun eat too much!

  6. my lovely sammy , when you make some dessert , please give me one haha:) i love eating haaa

  7. I love desserts too. The colourful pictures have whetted my appetite. Looking forward to your desserts.
